Bachelor of Arts degree in Journalism from New York’s Stony Brook University
VoIP vs cellular phones offer different communication methods. Compare the pros & cons of these technologies to determine which is best.
Small businesses use enterprise resource planning software, too, but deciding on when to make the switch can be tough. Here’s how you’ll know it’s time.
Are you looking to implement a new CRM in 2024? Read our complete guide to see the steps for a successful CRM implementation.
What is metadata and why does it matter? Learn about its various types, applications, and how it enhances data organization and retrieval.
What is CRM Software? Learn more about the different types of CRM software available and how they can impact your business.
Are you looking to create a CRM strategy? See the benefits of implementing CRM strategies & the steps to get started.
Unlock the power of integrations for your CRM system for greater productivity & efficiency. Learn about essential CRM integrations & explore the benefits.
How does CRM help sales? Learn more about how your business can boost sales by reading our guide now.
Not sure how to use CRM? This guide covers the basics of CRM software and how it can benefit your business.
Looking for common challenges of CRM & strategies to overcoming them? Dive into our top customer relationship management challenges & solutions today.
What is Operational CRM & how can it benefit your business? Read our guide for key features & benefits of implementing a operational CRM
Do you want to become a data analyst? Discover the steps for success and the skills to succeed as a data analyst
Looking to improve your sales pipeline analysis? See how to use data to uncover trends, measure team performance, and forecast sales.
Track, nurture, and improve the lifecycle stages of leads with this in-depth guide. Learn what steps contribute to conversion and what to avoid.
Mapping out a sales process helps your team prioritize tasks and streamline communication. Learn how to create a sales process map today.
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