Carbonite is a leader in backup and recovery software, providing secure and reliable backup software for businesses of all sizes. But just because you hear their services advertised on NPR or on TV doesn’t mean that they’re the best option for your business — they might just be the most visible. Carbonite is prohibitively expensive for some small businesses, and it may not provide the full protection that some companies need for all of their devices. To give you options in your backup and recovery and to speed your decision process, we collected this list of 7 Carbonite alternatives.

Carbonite alternatives for business backup and recovery software

Amazon Glacier

amazon glacier backup and recovery software Amazon Glacier is a long-term storage system for businesses of all sizes. The system is designed for companies who do not need immediate or ongoing access to the data they’ve stored in the database, which makes Glacier an ideal place to store your company backups. Amazon charges for Glacier based on access rates. Those who plan on accessing only 10 GB or less every month can sign up for the free tier. Pricing differs by up to a cent per gigabyte depending on your geographic location, and your bill depends on the actions you take in a month. So, if you don’t touch your data all month, you’ll only have to pay the storage fee. If you want to access your data, you’ll pay a standard, bulk, or expedited rate to access it. Companies who run infrequent searches on their databases may want to look into the Glacier Select plan, which allows queries on the stored data without retrieval, but the price of these searches depends on frequency and request speed.


livedrive backup and recovery software   Livedrive is a cloud backup software that gives users mobile access to all of their files and encourages collaboration on documents. When you back up your files and office computers to Livedrive, you have immediate access to your files should your computer break or be destroyed. Storage in the cloud or UK data centers that are guarded by three layers of physical security, constant monitoring, and compliance with the latest security standards. The business standard plan has up to 10 users and 10,000GB of storage, with the option to increase users or storage amounts for a monthly fee.


idrive backup and recovery software IDrive is a business backup software that complies with HIPAA regulations. IDrive works with MySQL, Oracle, and Microsoft OneDrive products, with continuous data backup and remote computer management. Take advantage of sync backup, which doesn’t affect your storage totals and keeps your documents up to date. While IDrive offers file collaboration, it’s limited to email sharing instead of some of the live document editing offered by other backup solutions.


backblaze backup and recovery software Backblaze offers continuous backup and storage for each computer at your business. Pricing is per computer per year, which comes out below most competitors. Backblaze offers continuous backup that keeps your data up to date, and you can roll your version back quickly should you encounter malware or ransomware. The business plan works via groups, so you can add existing Backblaze customers to your group and admin their computers from one central location. A great extra perk from Backblaze is their hard drive restoration service. The company will send you a hard drive with all your data on it for free to anywhere in the world. You only pay if you keep the hard drive. Backblaze also offers server and NAS backup services that you can administer through your single business admin account. Choose from a variety of integrations to connect your servers quickly.

SpiderOak Enterprise

spideroak backup and recovery software SpiderOak backup and recovery systems run on a No Knowledge encryption system, which is a huge selling point for companies concerned with security. SpiderOak’s system ensures that the company has no record of your password, your unencrypted data, or your unencrypted metadata anywhere in their systems. In addition to their industry-leading security, SpiderOak also gives companies unlimited backups and devices for every Enterprise user account. For companies with mobile device needs and multiple devices per employee, this can be hugely important, as employee and company data is secure and available for backup every day.


crashplan backup and recovery software CrashPlan backup and recovery software is designed for small businesses. It works for up to 199 users at a low per-device-per-month cost for unlimited storage. The backup software includes encryption and off-site backups, and you have the option of connecting an onsite external drive for extra peace of mind. CrashPlan uses continuous backup and file verification systems to ensure that your devices don’t lose data due to accidental deletion or corruption. Automated reporting systems and a desktop or browser dashboard give admins a detailed view of devices.


acronis backup and recovery software Acronis backup and disaster recovery solutions give companies the security of 15-minute backups for all of their devices, including servers and databases. That speed only enhances the perks of well-designed user interfaces that make it easy for anyone in the company to back up their device or restore a previous version in case of emergency. All of Acronis backup plans include 256 AES encryption, making this software a great choice for public sector or healthcare companies who need advanced encryption for regulatory reasons.

Need more backup and recovery options?

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