Salesforce vs. Infor: An overview

Although Salesforce’s roots can be traced back to a small apartment in San Francisco in the late 90s, Salesforce is anything but ‘small’ now. Since the company was founded by Marc Benioff, it has been one of the most popular–if not THE most popular — CRM software vendors today.

Salesforce has won many awards and recognition. American Express, NBC Universal, and Spotify are just some of the famous companies that use Salesforce for their business.

Infor was formerly known as Saleslogix. After Infor bought Saleslogix CRM in 2014, the vendor has made various adjustments to the software. These adjustments and upgrades resulted in massive improvements in the functionalities of what is now known as the Infor CRM.

Just like Salesforce, Infor is an award-winning CRM software.

Even award-winning software can be wrong for you if it doesn’t meet your company’s needs. We can help you find the right CRM for your needs. Enter your requirements in our Product Selection Tool, and we’ll match you with a list of 5 CRM vendors that fit you.

Contact management 

Salesforce offers a 360-degree view of your contact. This means that you won’t only get a comprehensive look into your customer’s basic information such as name and contact details; you can also monitor their preferences. Salesforce also has a feature that lets you check your contact’s behavior on different social media networks like Twitter and Facebook.

Knowledge of your contact’s behavior gives you an insight on which marketing strategies would be more effective on your customer. It can be useful in finally locking in potential clients.

Infor also lets you monitor and keep all your customer data secure. This CRM can also be integrated to multiple social networking platforms for better tracking of your customer’s purchasing activity and behavior. Other information like the news, maps, stock updates, and survey feedback are also available in Infor.

Customization capabilities 

One of the most favored capabilities of Salesforce is its customizability. Users can configure and customize their CRMs to meet their specific needs. Aside from having the freedom to adjust the layouts, you can also adjust the fields that are visible to other Salesforce users in your organization.

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Same as Salesforce, Infor lets you customize the software. It gives the users the ability to make some changes to the layout and other basic components of the CRM. But, on top of that, Infor lets you adjust the level of access for every single user of your CRM. You can limit the access of a certain user to a particular type of data, can prevent other users from editing some data in the system, and so on.

Data access and security 

Salesforce is a cloud-based software. This provides easy access to the data for all its users through browsers, as long as they have Internet connection.

Infor is available in cloud, on-premises, and hybrid forms. With the on-premises Infor option, you can ensure that your data has added security. Infor can be accessed through web browsers, too. In addition, this CRM allows its user to modify the database even without access to the internet. The user can just sync the new data to the software when they go online.

But Infor doesn’t have an auto-save feature for its data, so you need to make sure you hit ‘Save’ after making changes. Otherwise, your work will be lost.

Integration possibilities 

When it comes to apps that can be integrated to the CRM software, Salesforce has over 1680 options. This is among the most advantageous benefits of getting Salesforce, because through integrations, you can tailor your CRM software into the tool that has everything you need.

Infor integrates with many different apps and software to make the most out of it. This CRM software is regarded to have one of the best integrations with Outlook and Microsoft Office. You can easily add new accounts and contacts to the CRM while in Outlook. Infor gives you a storage of 100GB for every user when integrated with Gmail and Outlook.

Infor may also be integrated with Infor ERP if you need the software to cover your business’s end-to-end needs.

Customer support 

Probably one of the most common complaints of Salesforce users is the access to customer support. While the customer support can be a great deal of help to users, they are only available to Salesforce Premium users.

Infor offers its 24/7 live support to its users. Alternatively, Infor has Customer Communities where users can interact with other subscribers and discuss Infor-related topics. Infor Concierge, formerly known as Infor Xtreme Portal, lets users report incidents and search the Knowledgebase for relevant information.

The verdict?

Considering the price of each of these CRMs, Salesforce could be the more practical choice for small businesses and freelancers. If you have a big organization that needs extra data security, Infor might be your best bet. This CRM’s data restriction functionality is exactly what you need if you want to limit the data accessible for other users.

Even though Salesforce’s customer support isn’t readily available on all plans, Salesforce in itself is user-friendly. Navigation of the software is easy enough. It can even be modified if you want to make the interface even simpler.

Don’t be easily cajoled into purchasing something just because they seem to have a wide-ranging list of functionalities. For example, the advanced capabilities of Infor, while undeniably admirable, are not a necessity for all businesses.

As Infor lets you work offline, it’s ideal if your business involves traveling to remote areas where internet access isn’t guaranteed. If your business operations will only take place in an office with reliable internet access, you can choose Salesforce instead.

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