Human Resources
6 Factors to Consider During Your Applicant Tracking System Comparison
If you find yourself comparing applicant tracking systems (ATS), you probably work for one of three types of organizations: a small to mid-sized business, a staffing agency, or an enterprise. Each of these scenarios will have different needs and require a different set of features. As you navigate the myriad options available to you, it’s…
8 Elements of a Great Learning Management System
Let’s face it. With over 700 learning management system (LMS) vendors to choose from, narrowing down which LMS is right for your business can be tough. Even so, there are some key features and functionality that should be part of any modern solution. During your learning management system comparison, make sure you see these eight…
Redesigning Your Performance Management Process for Success
Re-designing your performance management process isn’t a quick, one-step change you can implement overnight. But that’s not to say it isn’t important. Having the right practices in place can impact so many aspects of your organization. From employee engagement strategies to turnover rates to creating an open and communicative company culture, having an effective performance…
How to Create Buy-In For Performance Management Software
Performance management is an important part of any workforce, regardless of your role. For HR managers, it’s important to help increase retention and discover exemplary workers. For department heads, it’s important to see if the team is working well together and to manage career pathing. Performance can even be the reason behind a pay raise.…
The Power of Decision Support Tools
One of the most important components of running a successful business is attracting, retaining, and engaging your most valuable asset- your people. While there are many ways to accomplish this, offering your people benefits that go beyond legal requirements is proving to be one of the most effective techniques. In a Glassdoor survey, 60 percent…
Pros of Hiring A Freelancer vs. A Direct Hire in A High-Tech Economy
Are you thinking of hiring a freelancer over a full-time employee? You’re not alone. According to a recent study, there are over 57 million freelancers in the U.S., and they now make up around 36% of the workforce. If the current growth rates maintain their speed, freelancers could become the workforce majority with 50.9% by…
SCORM Is Dead. Here’s Why Tin Can LMS Is The Future
Sharable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM), is a protocol that enables two elearning tools to communicate with each other. In the elearning industry, this kind of tool is a necessity because it connects course developers, different platforms, and learners. Although SCORM holds the reputation of the gold standard in eLearning, it has manifested a series…
7 Reasons To Prioritize Employer Branding This Year
This post originally appeared on The Namely Blog We’ve all heard the “employer branding” buzzword. But what does it actually mean? While a company’s overall brand relates to the way organizations are perceived by the masses, employer brand pertains to the company’s reputation amongst prospective and current talent. Strong branding comes from a variety of…
5 Must Have Features For A Recruitment Software
With the advancement in technology, both the candidate and the recruiter have different options to connect with each other, including the use of mobile devices and websites. But, the key for recruiters is to concentrate their efforts on tools that can aid them to connect with the right talent. It is also vital for recruiters…
3 Ways to Incorporate A/B Testing Into Your Recruitment Marketing Strategy
If you’ve spent an appreciable amount of time in recruiting, you’ve likely heard on more than one occasion that “recruiting is marketing.” This is an oversimplification, but it makes a good point. If marketing boils down to an attempt to get consumers interested in and buying a company’s products, then recruiting shares a similar mission…
6 Transparency Tactics for a Clear Recruiting Process
Ask any hiring manager, and they’ll all tell you the same thing: bad hires are expensive. But bringing in a poor fit can cost you more than money. Disrupt office morale, and you could find yourself posting additional wanted ads , not to mention doubling your workload. Want to attract top talent the first time…
No PTO? No, Thank You.
Survey finds 60 percent of employees will reject a job offer without paid time off With the vacation season upon us, it’s stirring the need to peregrinate, even among the most faithful homebodies. With the changing nature of the workplace and constant connectivity, it may be worth the time to rethink your business’ paid time…
5 Steps To A Successful ATS Implementation
Implementing an applicant tracking system is no small feat. Applicant tracking systems (ATS) have the potential to help your company scale while cutting costs. The larger an org is, the more challenging implementing an ATS becomes. While the challenge might seem great, the rewards far outweigh the pains. As anyone who has undergone an ATS…
Need To Increase Employee Retention? Train Managers As Career Coaches
Employee retention is hugely important to most firms, as unemployment dips and high-demand skills come with rising price tags. In response, companies have shifted their strategies to a more nurturing invest-train-promote framework that ensures that current high-value employees have the opportunities they want and the skills they need to improve the company. Training managers as…
Gamification for Customer Experience: Loyalty, Marketing, and UX
The concepts of autonomy, mastery, and purpose can work for customer loyalty gamification tools, but customer loyalty and engagement platforms often take advantage of a reward-based endorphin hit instead. Customers receive a little feel-good bump when they feel they’ve won a special prize, mastered a tricky game, or been included in an exclusive group, which…