Note: You can download the full report from our Research Library!
Since wearable fitness devices, such as the FitBit and Nike+, began to appear on the market, the healthcare community has recognized their potential to provide unbiased, accurate insight into patient activity. Patient-generated data can be used to improve preventative care strategies, monitor patient outcomes, and analyze overall trends in patient populations.
However, there is little information on the number of adults who track their fitness and health using such devices, or the ways in which adults who do not track their fitness can be convinced to do so.
In order to provide a better view of the fitness and health tracking market, and current obstacles to adoption, TechnologyAdvice Research designed a nationwide internet survey, which was conducted September 18-19, 2014. Over 900 U.S. adults were surveyed on their general fitness tracking habits, and 419 adults were surveyed on their specific reasons for not using tracking devices or apps.
We put together the following infographic, showing some of the study’s key takeaways:
In the full report, we further explore the wearable fitness tracking market, and what strategies the healthcare industry can use to encourage adoption of such technology. This includes analysis of healthcare providers and health insurance companies. We also look at the responses by age group, in order to show which demographics are most receptive to various incentives, and how healthcare professionals can use this knowledge to achieve widespread tracking adoption throughout their patient populations.
Download the full, 18-page report from our research library to learn more.
For more information about this survey, the methodology, or distribution requests, please contact Media Relations Manager Keith Cawley at