TechnologyAdvice is able to offer our services for free because some vendors may pay us for web traffic or other sales opportunities. Our mission is to help technology buyers make better purchasing decisions, so we provide you with information for all vendors — even those that don’t pay us.
Being part of the HR team at TechnologyAdvice means I get an inside look at the career paths and goals of those who apply for positions with our team. One of the best parts of my job is getting to talk to candidates about where they see their career heading and what they have done to position themselves for that journey. Using that information, I can determine whether their goals and experience align with the goals and needs of our team. Matchmaking is the name of the game.
The most common topic of conversation in my interviews is growth. Many applicants are looking for a new position because they feel they lack growth opportunities at their current one. There are also those looking to grow their skill set, as well as those looking to grow their compensation, title, or level of responsibility. “everyone defines growth differently”The constant factor is growth – but it’s important to recognize that everyone defines growth differently.
The perfect position for a candidate is one where they can grow professionally, personally, and financially. Similarly, companies want to hire employees eager to grow themselves, and the company as a whole. Employers want candidates who will add value to every aspect of the job. The more valuable you make the company, the more valuable you are to the company. And every employee tends to create more value when their work environment is conducive to growth.
The first step for us is agreeing upon a shared understanding of growth. To me, growth encompasses professional skills, responsibilities, compensation, personal fulfillment, career potential, and being a part of something bigger than yourself. However, others may see it differently. As a job-seeker, it is your responsibility to share your definition during the interview process. Without clear explanation of the growth you desire, an employer may feel you are only interested in titles and money. Of course, there is a chance that you are only interested in titles and money, in which case you should still make that clear!
So what does growth look like at TechnologyAdvice? We believe that growth is multifaceted. It’s not just about a paycheck. It’s about your ability to grow your professional skills, to grow your level of responsibility, and to grow personally in the process.
We believe that growth requires engagement in continuous learning.
Whether it’s reading a book for professional development, engaging in networking opportunities, attending conferences, or getting advanced training, our team continues to embrace learning. To us, growing professionally looks like all these things because they all involve a team member taking advantage an opportunity to learn and grow.
We believe that growth includes increasing your scope of responsibility.
Your title doesn’t have to change in order for you to grow in a position. It’s important to continue pushing yourself by taking on new responsibilities and asking yourself if the skills you are gaining each day are helping to progress your career. “Magic often happens when you leave your your comfort zone”Magic often happens when you leave your your comfort zone. It’s not always easy or quickly apparent, but trying new things usually makes you realize you can do more than you ever thought you could. In doing so, you’ve positioned yourself to grow in ways you probably never thought were possible. We believe in this so much that many of our current full-time team members started as interns, including our current COO.
We believe that personal growth is about learning to give to others.
An often overlooked part of professional growth, learning to give back creates a focus on something bigger than you. Millennials in particular pay attention to a company’s social responsibility, but it should be a prime consideration for all applicants when searching for a future employer. We are dedicated to being active in the Nashville community in a variety of ways, and have seen the ways it can enhance the lives of our team members. Whether it involves donating money, goods, skills, or simply time, giving to others always proves to be an investment in yourself.
Most importantly: We believe that growth is yours to control.
We are a rapidly-growing company where roles are redefined daily. Everyone wears a variety of hats and lends a hand in different areas. That means growth is yours for the taking. Your attitude, outlook, perspective, and flexibility are all major factors in your growth and your ability to grow in a position. Too many candidates think that growth opportunities must be given to them. The reality is you have the greatest power to make them happen. Take chances. Volunteer for new experiences. Ask questions, and be observant. What you do will help mold you as a person and a professional, both positively and negatively. It’s up to you to choose wisely.
Are you on the job hunt? It’s important to consider growth when evaluating potential employers. Is the company expanding? What is their trajectory? Do they have a track record of developing and promoting talent from within? The answers to these questions will be key indicators of your growth potential at these companies. We feel confident in our answers to these questions at TechnologyAdvice, and we’d love to discuss them with you if you think you’re a fit for one of our open positions.
Are you waiting for growth opportunities to come your way, or are you seeking them out? Tell us more about how you define growth in the comments below!
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TechnologyAdvice is able to offer our services for free because some vendors may pay us for web traffic or other sales opportunities. Our mission is to help technology buyers make better purchasing decisions, so we provide you with information for all vendors — even those that don’t pay us.
As HR Manager, Heather oversees all aspects of recruitment and HR at TechnologyAdvice. When she’s not finding exceptional new team members, or networking at a conference.